How Executive Dysfunction Can Impact Learning

How Executive Dysfunction Can Impact Learning

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How Executive Dysfunction Can Impact Learning

How Executive Dysfunction Can Impact Learning

Have you ever wondered why your bright child struggles to finish homework assignments or chores? Or why do they need help following multi-step instructions? The problem may not be laziness or lack of motivation. It could be an underlying issue with executive function, the set of mental skills that helps us plan, focus attention, and juggle multiple tasks. If your child has trouble getting organized, managing time, controlling emotions, or adapting to changes, they may have executive dysfunction. This often invisible condition can wreak havoc on a child’s ability to learn and thrive in a classroom setting. The good news is, once identified, executive dysfunction is very treatable. Keep reading to find out if your child’s learning struggles could be rooted in problems with executive function and how targeted strategies and interventions can help set them up for success.

What Is Executive Function Disorder and How Does It Impact Learning?

Executive function disorder refers to difficulties with skills that help us plan, focus attention, and juggle multiple tasks. Kids with executive dysfunction struggle with things like:

  • Organizing their time, belongings, and responsibilities. They have trouble planning and meeting deadlines.
  • Controlling their impulses and adapting to change. They may blurt out answers or have angry outbursts.
  • Shifting between activities. Transitioning from one task to another can be challenging.
  • Processing and retaining information. They often miss important details and have trouble following multi-step instructions.

If your child exhibits several of these signs, an executive function deficit may impact their learning and behavior. The good news is there are habits and techniques you can implement at home and school to help build these skills.

Providing structure and routine, minimizing distractions, using visual schedules and checklists, and giving one direction at a time can help. Teach your child organizational strategies like color-coding their folders and planner. Set clear rules and reasonable consequences when those rules aren’t followed.

Executive function skills continue to develop into the mid-20s, so with patience, support, and the right interventions, kids can strengthen these abilities over time. The key is identifying the underlying issues, then giving your child the tools and opportunities to improve planning, focus, and self-control to reach their full potential.

If problems persist, consider speaking to doctors, therapists, and teachers about the next steps. With teamwork and the proper resources, executive function difficulties don’t have to hold a child back.

How Executive Dysfunction Can Impact Learning

Signs Your Child May Have Issues With Executive Functioning

If your child struggles with staying organized, managing time, controlling emotions, or planning and prioritizing tasks, they may have issues with executive functioning. Some signs to look for:

  • Trouble getting started or finishing tasks like homework, chores, or activities. Do they frequently procrastinate or feel overwhelmed by multi-step assignments?
  • Poor time management skills. Are they often late, or do they have trouble estimating how long tasks will take to complete? Do they have difficulty switching between tasks efficiently?
  • Difficulty managing materials and belongings. Are their backpack, desk, and rooms frequently messy and disorganized? Do they often lose or misplace items like pencils, books, keys, and electronics?
  • Impulsiveness and poor decision-making. Do they frequently make hasty choices without considering consequences or alternative options? Do they have trouble adapting when plans change?
  • Meltdowns and emotional outbursts. Do they have trouble controlling their emotions and reactions when frustrated, upset, or overstimulated?

If several of these signs sound familiar, your child may struggle with executive dysfunction. The good news is some strategies and interventions can help build these skills. Speaking to doctors, therapists, and counselors about evaluating your child for issues with executive functioning is a great first step. With the proper support and accommodations, kids with executive dysfunction can thrive.

Strategies to Help Build Executive Functioning Skills

Set clear rules and routines.

Establishing consistent rules and routines at home can help build your child’s executive functioning skills. Things like:

  • Having a regular bedtime and wake-up schedule, even on weekends. This helps establish their body’s circadian rhythm and makes it easier to focus during the day.
  • Designating specific spaces for doing homework, reading, and leisure activities. This clarifies what is expected in each area and helps avoid distractions.
  • Setting timers to keep your child on a schedule. For example, set a timer for 30 minutes of homework, then a 5-10 minute break, then back to work. This chunking technique makes tasks feel more manageable.

Provide organizational tools.

Give your child organizational tools and teach them how to use them effectively. Some options include:

  • A planner or calendar to keep track of assignments, activities, and events. Review it with them each day and week to provide guidance.
  • A filing system for sorting papers into different subjects or classes. This makes finding what they need easier and avoids losing important documents.
  • Checklists for common routines like packing a backpack, getting ready for school or doing chores. This helps give them a systematic process to follow.
How Executive Dysfunction Can Impact Learning

Offer guidance and support.

Your child’s executive functioning skills still develop, so they need your support and guidance. Some ways to help include:

  • Reviewing their planner and to-do lists with them each day. Provide reminders about what needs to get done and help them prioritize important tasks.
  • Giving them prompts to start and transition between activities. For example, say, “Time to start your homework” or “Finish up your math problems and then take a quick break.”
  • Praising their efforts and accomplishments to keep them motivated. Say things like, “I’m proud of you for starting your homework right away today.” Your encouragement and positive reinforcement can go a long way.

With consistency, the right tools, and your support, your child’s executive functioning abilities will strengthen over time. Be patient through the process and continue to provide opportunities for them to develop these crucial life skills.


So there you have it. Executive dysfunction could be the underlying issue impacting your child’s ability to learn and thrive in school. The good news is, now that you know what you’re dealing with, you’re in a much better position to advocate for your child and get them the help and support they need. Talk to their teachers, doctors, and therapists. Come up with strategies and accommodations that set your child up for success. Help build up those executive skills through practice and patience.

It may not happen overnight, but with understanding, advocacy, and the right interventions, executive function difficulties don’t have to define your child’s academic experience. Stay positive, keep trying different approaches, celebrate small wins, and remember that every child can grow and succeed in their own way. You’ve got this! With love, support, and the determination to never stop trying, you can help your child achieve their full potential despite the challenges of executive dysfunction.

Looking for an executive functioning coach for your child?

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Meet Craig Selinger, the passionate owner behind Themba Tutors, a renowned practice specializing in executive function coaching and tutoring. Together with his team of multidisciplinary professionals, they bring their extensive knowledge to numerous locations: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Bronx, Westchester, Long Island, New Jersey, and Connecticut, as well as offering remote services. As a licensed speech-language pathologist in the state of NY, executive functioning coach, and educational specialist with an impressive track record spanning over two decades, Craig has professionally assisted thousands of families. Craig's proficiency encompasses a wide spectrum of areas, including language-related learning challenges such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening. He is also well-versed in executive functioning, ADHD/ADD, and various learning disabilities. What truly distinguishes Craig and his team is their unwavering commitment to delivering comprehensive support. By actively collaborating with the most esteemed professionals within the NYC metropolitan region – from neuropsychologists to mental health therapists and allied health experts – they create a network of expertise.
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