NYC Private Tutor

Private Tutoring in NYC: NYC Private Tutors, and Learning Specialists

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1139 Prospect Avenue, Brooklyn

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Private Tutoring in NYC: NYC Private Tutors, and Learning Specialists


NYC Tutoring 1


Manhattan Brooklyn Queens Staten Island Bronx

Is your child struggling to keep up with their studies or needing an extra academic challenge? Do you want a flexible and convenient tutoring solution that fits your child’s busy schedule? Look no more! At Themba Tutors, we understand the importance of personalized learning, and we’re thrilled to bring you the finest 1:1 at-home private tutors in New York City. We travel to Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and the Bronx.

Why Choose Themba Tutors?

β–Ά Customized Strategies for Learning Differences

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  We recognize that every student is unique, and some may have specific learning differences or challenges that require specialized attention. Our commitment to personalized learning extends to providing targeted support for a wide range of learning differences, such as dyslexia, ADHD, executive function disorder, autism spectrum disorders, and more. During the FREE consultations and meet-and-greets with our staff, we work closely with parents to gather insights into your child’s strengths and challenges. Understanding their specific learning profile can tailor our approach to provide the most effective support.

β–Ά All Ages, All Subjects

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Our expert private tutors are proficient in delivering personalized support across these subject categories. Whether you’re a student seeking help with core academic subjects, delving into the complexities of STEM, exploring advanced placement courses, or an adult learner pursuing new skills or knowledge, our tutoring service is equipped to guide you through your educational journey.

β–Ά Specialization in ADHD and EF Coaching

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Themba Tutors specializes in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and executive function (EF) coaching. We are dedicated to providing targeted support and strategies for individuals with ADHD, helping them navigate academic challenges, enhance focus, and develop effective executive function skills. Our specialized coaching approach aims to create a supportive and empowering learning environment for every student.

β–Ά Adapting to Individual Pace

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  One of the hallmarks of personalized learning is adapting to each student’s pace. We recognize that some children may grasp certain concepts quickly while others may need additional time and reinforcement. Our NYC private tutors work closely with your child, identifying areas of strength and areas that require more attention. This adaptive approach ensures that your child can master foundational concepts before moving on to more complex material, fostering a solid academic foundation.

β–Ά Thorough Intake Process

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Committed to excellence, we provide free consultations, meet-and-greets, and flexible pay-as-you-go options. Our thorough intake process ensures personalized tutoring through an initial consultation, assessments, learning style analysis, goal-setting, and meticulous tutor matching. Benefit from tailored learning plans, expert tutors, flexible scheduling, and financial ease.

⌚ Monday to Sunday

8:00 am to 9:00 pm

πŸ“ž (917) 382-8641

πŸ“± (833) 565-2370Β 

πŸ“§Β [email protected]

(we respond to email right away!).

πŸ“š Themba Tutors 1:1 NYC Private Tutors πŸ’»

nyc private tutors

As a parent, we understand that your schedule is already packed with responsibilities. That’s why our at-home private tutors bring the learning experience to you! No more rushing to tutoring centers or navigating through traffic. Enjoy the convenience of personalized education in the comfort of your own home, creating a stress-free and focused environment for your child’s learning journey.


Contact us today at (917) 382-8641, (833) 565-2370, or email [email protected] to schedule your free consultation and meet-and-greets with our staff.

NYC Private Tutors

At-Home 1:1 Private Tutoring Services In New York City

  1. ADHD Coaching (all ages, including young professionals)
  2. Executive Function Coaching (all ages, including young professionals)
  3. College Tutoring (math, science, psychology, and more)
  4. Math Tutoring (K-College)
  5. ELA Tutoring (Elementary-College)
  6. Test Prep (SAT, GRE, SHSAT, ISEE/SSAT, ACT, ELA, Regents, TASC, MAP Growth, LOTE, MCAT, GED)
  7. Dyslexia Tutoring (K-Adulthood)
  8. Homeschooling
  9. Tutoring for all ages, such as History and Social Studies, Psychology, Foreign Language, IB Support, Engineering, and much more!


meet SOME OF OUR PRIVATE TUTORS who travel to your home

Private Tutoring in NYC: NYC Private Tutors, and Learning Specialists

Master’s in Education

Private Tutoring in NYC: NYC Private Tutors, and Learning Specialists

M.A Degree in Clinical Psychology

Private Tutoring in NYC: NYC Private Tutors, and Learning Specialists

Master’s in Special Education

Private Tutoring in NYC: NYC Private Tutors, and Learning Specialists

Ph.D in Educational Leadership

Private Tutoring in NYC: NYC Private Tutors, and Learning Specialists

Master’s in Special Education and Literacy, Bachelor’s in Sociology

Private Tutoring in NYC: NYC Private Tutors, and Learning Specialists

Master’s in Special Education

Private Tutoring in NYC: NYC Private Tutors, and Learning Specialists

Master’sΒ  in Science Education

Private Tutoring in NYC: NYC Private Tutors, and Learning Specialists

Doctorate in Clinical Psychology

Private Tutoring in NYC: NYC Private Tutors, and Learning Specialists

Doctoral Candidate

Private Tutoring in NYC: NYC Private Tutors, and Learning Specialists

Doctoral Candidate

πŸŽ“ Top 1:1 At-Home Private Tutors, Learning Specialists, ADHD, and EF Coaches in NYC πŸ“š

Themba Tutors offers personalized at-home private tutoring to address the unique challenges faced by middle, high school, and college students and adult learners in New York City. Our NYC private tutors are equipped to provide specialized support for a variety of learning differences and disabilities, including executive function challenges, dyslexia, adult dyslexia, dysgraphia, twice-exceptional (2e), autism, dyscalculia, non-verbal learning disability, and other learning differences/disabilities.

At Themba Tutors, our ADHD and executive function (EF) coaches provide comprehensive support tailored to the unique needs of individuals facing challenges in managing ADHD or executive function deficits. Our coaches offer assistance in various key areas, including time management, organization skills, study techniques, goal-setting, task initiation and completion, self-regulation, effective communication, emotional regulation, transition management, and advocacy skills. Through personalized strategies and guidance, our coaches empower individuals to overcome obstacles, develop essential skills, and thrive academically and personally.

For a free consultation and remote meet-and-greets with our experienced staff, contact us at (917) 382-8641 or (833) 565-2370, or email us at [email protected]. Themba Tutors is committed to delivering tailored solutions that empower your child to overcome challenges and thrive academically in the vibrant city of New York.

**Guarantee: It’s critical that whoever receives our tutoring services connects with the specialist, the specialist has expertise in the area of need, and is available to travel to you. If you are not 100% satisfied with our services, we are 100% committed to finding you the right professional.

Searching for the top 1:1 private tutors in NYC!

Chat with Themba Tutors Today!

We travel throughout NYC (Manhattan, Brooklyn,Β  Queens, Staten Island, and the Bronx), offering free consultation and meet-and-greets with our staff!


Call: (917) 382-8641,Β Text: (833) 565-2370Β 

Email: [email protected]

(we respond to email right away!).

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Meet Craig Selinger, the passionate owner behind Themba Tutors, a renowned practice specializing in executive function coaching and tutoring. Together with his team of multidisciplinary professionals, they bring their extensive knowledge to numerous locations: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Bronx, Westchester, Long Island, New Jersey, and Connecticut, as well as offering remote services. As a licensed speech-language pathologist in the state of NY, executive functioning coach, and educational specialist with an impressive track record spanning over two decades, Craig has professionally assisted thousands of families. Craig's proficiency encompasses a wide spectrum of areas, including language-related learning challenges such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening. He is also well-versed in executive functioning, ADHD/ADD, and various learning disabilities. What truly distinguishes Craig and his team is their unwavering commitment to delivering comprehensive support. By actively collaborating with the most esteemed professionals within the NYC metropolitan region – from neuropsychologists to mental health therapists and allied health experts – they create a network of expertise.
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