Strategies To Improve Reading In Kids With ADHD

Improving Comprehension And Fluency In Kids With Attentional Difficulties

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Strategies To Improve Reading In Kids With ADHD

Proven Strategies to Improve Reading in Kids with ADHD

You want your kids to love reading, but their attentional difficulties get in the way. They have trouble focusing on the words and grasping the meaning, or they read slowly and laboriously, sucking the joy out of the experience. The good news is that there are proven strategies you can use to boost your reading comprehension and fluency. In this article, we’ll explore practical techniques to help your kids become stronger, more enthusiastic readers despite their challenges with attention and concentration. With patience and practice, you can equip your children with the skills they need to unlock the wonder and adventure found in the pages of books. Reading success is absolutely within their reach.

Understanding Reading Challenges In Kids With ADHD

If your child has ADHD, reading can be challenging. Their difficulty focusing and sitting still makes it hard to get through longer texts. But their reading skills can improve with the right strategies and your support.

Understanding The Challenges

Kids with ADHD often struggle with reading comprehension and fluency. Awareness – understanding what they read – suffers because their minds tend to wander. Fluency, or reading smoothly and accurately, is hard when they need help focusing on the page.


Some other issues that can impact reading include:

  • Impulsiveness: Jumping ahead without fully understanding. Help them slow down.
  • Distractibility: Easily sidetracked by sounds, thoughts, or physical sensations. Gently guide their focus back to the text.
  • Hyperfocus: Zoning in on details but missing the big picture. Teach them to pause and summarize.
  • Slow processing speed: Difficulty keeping up with the flow of information. Provide extra time and encouragement.

You can strengthen your child’s reading comprehension and fluency with patience and the right strategies to improve reading in kids with ADHD. Keep lessons short and interactive, set small achievable goals, provide rewards and positive reinforcement, and make reading fun. Most of all, believe in them – with your support, their challenges can be overcome.

Strategies To Improve Reading In Kids With ADHD

Evidence-Based Reading Interventions For Improved Comprehension

To improve your child’s reading comprehension and fluency, evidence-based interventions can make a big difference. Here are some proven strategies to try:

➡ Repeated Reading
Having your child read the same passage multiple times can strengthen their fluency and understanding. Start with shorter paths so they don’t get frustrated, 2-3 sentences. Have them read it, then ask questions about the meaning and details. Repeat this process over multiple days until they become familiar with the text.


➡ Summarization
Summarizing what they’ve read in their own words is a great way for kids to identify the main ideas and solidify their understanding. After reading a story or chapter, have them tell you what happened in a few sentences. Ask follow-up questions to encourage them to elaborate. Putting it in writing, in the form of a short paragraph summary, is even more effective.


➡ Visualization
Creating visual images related to their reading can make the information more engaging and memorable for kids with attentional difficulties. Ask your child to draw pictures representing people, places, or events from the story. Or have them create a comic strip. Turning what they’ve read into a visual format activates another part of their brain, reinforcing their learning and comprehension.


These interactive, multi-sensory interventions, while keeping reading sessions short and rewarding, can significantly improve your child’s reading skills. With patience and practice, these strategies will become second nature and help set your child up for success.

Fun And Engaging Activities To Build Reading Fluency

Try some fun and engaging activities to build reading fluency in kids with attentional difficulties. These interactive strategies to improve reading in kids with ADHD can help motivate reluctant readers and make reading feel more rewarding.
➡ Read Together
Read books together, taking turns reading passages aloud. This helps kids associate reading with quality time together and positive feelings. Let your child choose books on topics they enjoy to spark their interest. Discuss the story and characters to boost comprehension and engagement.


➡ Act it Out
Have your child act out or dramatize parts of a story as you read it together. This kinesthetic approach brings the story to life in an exciting, memorable way. Kids can pretend characters, act out scenes, or create props. Hamming it up and being dramatic makes it extra fun.


➡ Timed Reading
Time your child while reading a passage to build speed and fluency. Start with 1-2 minutes and have them read as much as possible. Provide rewards and encouragement for meeting or beating their time. This turns reading into an engaging challenge and helps kids see their progress.


➡ Audio Books
Listening to audiobooks makes it easy for kids to enjoy stories without struggling to read the text. As they listen, have them follow along in an actual book. This helps strengthen word recognition, reading stamina, and comprehension. Kids can also read along with the audio, pausing to read passages aloud themselves.


Using creative and multi-sensory techniques like these makes reading enjoyable and rewarding for kids with attentional issues. Their reading fluency and skills will continue to improve with regular practice. The key is keeping kids motivated and making the process fun.



Keep lessons short and engaging, set small and achievable goals, provide positive reinforcement, and make reading fun by incorporating their interests. You’ll cheer your child on With patience and persistence as they build reading stamina and comprehension. Remember, every child is different, so find what works for your kid’s unique abilities and needs. Stay optimistic, try other techniques, and celebrate even the small wins. Before you know it, you’ll have a confident reader and a lifetime of reading adventures ahead!

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Meet Craig Selinger, the passionate owner behind Themba Tutors, a renowned practice specializing in executive function coaching and tutoring. Together with his team of multidisciplinary professionals, they bring their extensive knowledge to numerous locations: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Bronx, Westchester, Long Island, New Jersey, and Connecticut, as well as offering remote services. As a licensed speech-language pathologist in the state of NY, executive functioning coach, and educational specialist with an impressive track record spanning over two decades, Craig has professionally assisted thousands of families. Craig's proficiency encompasses a wide spectrum of areas, including language-related learning challenges such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening. He is also well-versed in executive functioning, ADHD/ADD, and various learning disabilities. What truly distinguishes Craig and his team is their unwavering commitment to delivering comprehensive support. By actively collaborating with the most esteemed professionals within the NYC metropolitan region – from neuropsychologists to mental health therapists and allied health experts – they create a network of expertise.
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