Helping A Child With ADHD Do Schoolwork

8 Strategies to Help a Child With ADHD Do Schoolwork

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Helping A Child With ADHD Do Schoolwork

Helping a Child With ADHD Do Schoolwork?

Not many children out there love doing schoolwork. However, a child with ADHD can struggle completely differently with it. Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder comes with numerous symptoms that can alter focus and increase restlessness in the child.

The neurodevelopmental condition affects many school-aged children. So, staying focused in the classroom is quite challenging as the prevalence rate is around 3% to 10%

However, managing the symptoms with proper care and attention is possible. The key to making homework easier is to address the underlying issues related to the disorder. 

According to the National Library of Medicine, children with ADHD can face many problems associated with schoolwork or homework. 

8 Strategies for Supporting an ADHD Child’s Schoolwork

1. Establish open communication and empathy.

Creating a supportive environment at home can work wonders for a child with ADHD.

Listen actively to your child. Active listening goes beyond talking as it takes out the judgment from a conversation. Your child will feel understood without interruptions, inspiring them to open up about their struggles.

Acknowledge the challenges they face by showing empathy. Use your imagination to visualize and feel the pain they go through. It will help create a routine and the best relationship for you and your child.

2. Collaborate with teachers and school staff.

Staying up-to-date with your child’s progress can encourage them.

Ensure open communication with your child’s teachers and school staff. You can stay updated regarding your child’s strengths, weaknesses, and triggers through mutual collaboration.

Additionally, the teacher may also inform you about extra resources. These accommodations can make homework more manageable for your child. Setting up a consistent routine at school will allow the child to complete tasks by breaking down large assignments into smaller chunks. 

3. Create a structured and organized environment.

Having school supplies and toys in one place can be a game-changer.

A child with ADHD may struggle with distraction. They may need help following tasks and actions if they are already defined. Having a daily routine can help out a lot academically and even personally. 

Good examples are specific times for waking up and bedtime, having meals, and doing homework. Instead of keeping strict timelines, though, allow flexibility and extra time for each slot. It would tone down the child’s nervousness and allow frequent breaks. 

Don’t forget to keep necessary school supplies in one tidy place – clutter is never a good thing!

4. Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps.

Reduce the feeling of overwhelm for your child with ADHD. 

Large tasks can be tiresome for a child with ADHD. They could feel the task is impossible to complete (even before they begin). The key is to break down such functions according to the child’s preference.

Remember that ADHD is different for everyone. So one child’s ability to plan, organize, and prioritize tasks may differ from another. Please keep track of the difficulty level to make it easy for your child to manage.

Helping A Child With ADHD Do Schoolwork

5. Utilize visual aids, timers, and reminders.

Use cues to help break down tasks and organize them for your child. 

Visual organizers like calendars, task lists, and reminder apps can help students keep track of their schedules and assignments. The best way to break down the tasks is to create a small checklist – a handy reference for you and your child. 

Also, involve your child in the process. It will help them build a sense of ownership and motivate them to complete the tasks. Please encourage them to brainstorm ideas and make diagrams or flowcharts together. 

6. Add movement breaks and physical activities to your child’s schedule.

All work and no play is hardly ever good for anyone. 

Adding movement breaks and physical activities to your child’s schedule can have numerous benefits. Sitting for an extended period can link to decreased attention spans and increased restlessness in children. 

Firstly, incorporating physical activity into their routine can help improve their mood and energy levels. Exercise releases endorphins that can boost your child’s mood and give them the energy they need to tackle the day ahead. 

Additionally, regular exercise can improve sleep quality, essential for growing children. Secondly, providing opportunities for movement breaks during the day can help improve your child’s focus and concentration. 

7. Offer rewards to your child.

Extrinsic motivation can help a child with ADHD stay on track. 

Rewards can encourage positive behavior in children with ADHD. They help improve your child’s focus by motivating them to complete tasks. It also helps them develop good habits generally.

Remember to choose the rewards according to your child’s interests. They should be something your child enjoys – like video games or art. Tell them what they will get if they finish the task on time, and they are more likely to enjoy the process all through the end.

8. Explore assistive technologies and accommodations.

Make use of technological advancement to boost focus!

Technological accommodations can help children with ADHD overcome major challenges. These tools enhance focus, promote organization skills, reduce distractibility, and improve productivity.

One such example is text-to-speech software. It reads digital texts out loud to students with ADHD – allowing them to feel more engaged. Another popular tool is noise-canceling headphones, which block out distracting sounds in a noisy classroom setting.

Helping A Child With ADHD Do Schoolwork

Encouraging Motivation and Building Self-Esteem

1. Focus on the child’s strengths and interests.

Parents and teachers working with kids with ADHD are often frustrated by their symptoms, including difficulty paying attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity.

  • Brush aside feelings of frustration
  • Don’t focus on what they can’t do
  • Avoid developing a perfectionist mindset
  • Harness the child’s abilities and strengths to succeed in their interests

Remember that children with ADHD can have many strengths. They can be highly creative or even have an excellent sense of humor. So by highlighting the positive aspects, parents and teachers can make the child feel their best and give their best!

2. Set realistic expectations and celebrate small victories.

Realistic expectations can motivate the child and help them feel good about themselves.

Your child’s condition might make it harder for them to concentrate and stay organized, so you must approach their behavior with patience and understanding. Remember that every child with ADHD is different, so you should tailor your expectations based on their strengths and weaknesses.

  • Consider breaking down a task and spreading it out over several days
  • Provide rewards like breaks or snacks after finishing every job.

Boost your child’s self-esteem by practicing the above. Feeling confident is an important factor in neurodevelopmental disorders. It will also give them the boost they need to do a task independently.

3. Provide ongoing encouragement and emotional support.

Children with ADHD often face difficulties in social interactions, academic achievement, and self-esteem. Therefore, it is essential to provide them with consistent support and encouragement.

  • Communicate regularly
  • Create a daily check-in routine to make the child feel supported and heard
  • Ask the child about their daily struggles
  • Praise the child when they react positively 
  • Discuss negative actions (rather than calling out) to reinforce confidence

Another way to provide continued encouragement is by creating achievable goals together as a family.

4. Foster a growth mindset and resilience.

Fostering a growth mindset in a child with ADHD can look like this:

  • Informing the child that ADHD doesn’t define their intelligence or potential
  • Encouraging them to focus on their strengths rather than weaknesses
  • Teaching them that every small step is worth celebrating
  • Helping them learn coping mechanisms such as deep breathing exercises
  • Provide opportunities for your child to explore various activities of interest

It also helps build resilience. The child can learn to control their emotions instead of vice versa. Teach them problem-solving skills by encouraging open communication. 

5. Encourage self-advocacy skills and self-awareness.

Self-awareness is key for your child to understand their strengths and weaknesses. They can advocate for themselves better in all types of situations. 

  • Involve your child in their treatment plan
  • Have open conversations with your child (discuss diagnosis, medication, therapy sessions, and other aspects)
  • Encourage your child to ask questions
  • Help your child identify potential triggers and warning signs

Make sure to respond to your child’s queries. Not only will it give them clear insights about the disorder, but it will also establish a long-lasting healthy relationship for both of you.

Helping A Child With ADHD Do Schoolwork

Seeking Professional Help and Additional Resources

When to consider seeking professional evaluation or therapy

Parents who suspect their child has ADHD may wonder when to seek professional evaluation or therapy. 

  1. The disorder impairs the daily functioning of the child. 
  2. The child has difficulty following instructions.
  3. Disorganization interrupts completing tasks at school or home.
  4. The child finds classroom settings disturbing.
  5. Emotional distress such as low self-esteem or frustration.

Persistent symptoms in any of the above may require professional therapy and evaluation. 

Overview of available interventions, such as medication and therapy

ADHD can cause difficulties with attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Fortunately, there are several interventions available to help manage ADHD symptoms.

  • Behavioral therapy helps focus on teaching skills such as organization and time management
  • Stimulant medications like Ritalin and Adderall can help improve focus and reduce impulsivity in children with ADHD. 
  • However, these medications have potential side effects and may not be effective for all children. Non-stimulant medications like Strattera may also be prescribed to treat ADHD symptoms.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help address negative thinking patterns related to ADHD. 

Conclusion: Helping a Child with ADHD Do Schoolwork

Addressing ADHD issues personally and professionally is key. Let your child know they are supported and cared for. Offer extensive help and engage them in splitting large tasks into smaller manageable chunks.

In addition, remember to organize their workspace. Stay up-to-date with their progress in the classroom and any accommodations they might need. Teachers and parents need to stay on the same page.

Appreciate your child’s strengths; don’t call them out for their struggles. Always be ready to seek professional help if the symptoms get difficult to manage. An educationist or therapist can help you develop the best plan for your child.

Need help with ADHD? Chat with Themba Tutors today.
Get the help you need to manage your symptoms and live a full, productive life.


Call: (917) 382-8641, Text: (833) 565-2370 

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Meet Craig Selinger, the passionate owner behind Themba Tutors, a renowned practice specializing in executive function coaching and tutoring. Together with his team of multidisciplinary professionals, they bring their extensive knowledge to numerous locations: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Bronx, Westchester, Long Island, New Jersey, and Connecticut, as well as offering remote services. As a licensed speech-language pathologist in the state of NY, executive functioning coach, and educational specialist with an impressive track record spanning over two decades, Craig has professionally assisted thousands of families. Craig's proficiency encompasses a wide spectrum of areas, including language-related learning challenges such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening. He is also well-versed in executive functioning, ADHD/ADD, and various learning disabilities. What truly distinguishes Craig and his team is their unwavering commitment to delivering comprehensive support. By actively collaborating with the most esteemed professionals within the NYC metropolitan region – from neuropsychologists to mental health therapists and allied health experts – they create a network of expertise.
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