nyc adhd support

NYC ADHD Support in the Classroom

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1139 Prospect Avenue, Brooklyn

4.9 56 reviews


Comprehensive Strategies for Enhancing Learning and Engagement

nyc adhd support


Educators play a pivotal role in shaping the learning experience for all students, especially those with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). NYC ADHD support for students requires an understanding of their unique challenges and strengths and innovative strategies to facilitate their academic and social success. Supporting learners with ADHD in the classroom can involve tailoring teaching methods to meet their needs, helping the environment, and creating supportive relationships.

Tailoring Teaching Methods for ADHD and ASD

Personalize the Difficulty Level of Assignments

Understanding that students with ADHD often avoid tasks that appear too daunting, teachers should assign work that aligns with each student’s skill level. By scaling the difficulty and length of classwork, NYC ADHD support encourages completion and engagement.

Offer Choices to Empower Students

Offering choices can foster independence and motivation. When students with ADHD are allowed to choose how they complete an activity, their compliance and productivity improve, and their negative behaviors diminish.

Use Visual Aids for Reinforcement

Students with ADHD respond exceptionally well to visual cues. Demonstrating skills like essay writing using a projector or whiteboard allows students to have a visual reference during independent work. Constantly visible key points and important concepts around the room can also be helpful reminders.

Foster Active Participation

Various group strategies can maximize student engagement. These include using dry-erase boards for answers, choral responses, and nonverbal signals like thumbs up/down to represent understanding. Pair learning and group problem-solving also enhance comprehension through discussion.

Encourage Experiential Learning

Hands-on learning is vital. Whether it’s acting out a play, recording assignments, or constructing models, these NYC ADHD support activities provide tangible experiences that help cement learning for students with ADHD.

nyc adhd support

NYC ADHD Support: Setting the Scene

Establish Clear Classroom Rules

Crafting short and clear rules with student input can provide structure. Positive phrasing that directs students towards desired behaviors is more effective than prohibitions.

Create Consistent Routines

Consistency helps students with ADHD stay on task. Fixed routines, such as writing homework on the board or having ‘row captains,’ ensure students know their responsibilities.

Supervise Students with ADHD Appropriately

Due to their unique challenges, students with ADHD benefit from additional supervision. Pairing them with classmates for reminders on homework, teaming up on projects, and involving classroom aides can significantly aid their academic journey.

Minimize Distractions

Seating students close to instruction sources and reducing classroom distractions can enhance their focus. A low-distraction work area within the classroom is also beneficial.

Prepare Students for Transitions

NYC ADHD support also includes providing reminders about upcoming transitions that prepare students with ADHD for changes. For special events, advance notice is crucial. Assisting students in preparing for the end of the day can also prevent confusion and ensure they leave with all necessary items.

Incorporate Movement

Allowing students with ADHD to move or fidget can help maintain focus. Structured movement opportunities are beneficial, such as errands or tasks like washing the blackboard. If movement isn’t feasible, quiet objects like squeeze balls can be allowed for discreet fidgeting.

Emphasize the Importance of Play

Physical activity is critical for students with ADHD. It promotes focus, so recess and physical education should be preserved for exercise rather than used for make-up work or punishment.

nyc adhd support

Positive Reinforcement and Relationship Building

Cultivate Positive Relationships

Welcoming students by name and showing interest in their lives fosters a supportive classroom atmosphere. Celebrating students’ achievements on a bulletin board can also promote a sense of community and belonging.

Provide Immediate and Positive Feedback

Timely and positive feedback is more effective for students with ADHD. Phrases like “Great job!” or prompts to encourage reflection on incorrect answers can be motivational and instructional without being punitive.

Utilize Inquisitive Discipline

When addressing misbehavior, posing questions about the quality of choices engages the student’s reflective thinking and conveys that their behavior needs adjustment without direct reprimand.


Incorporating effective NYC ADHD support strategies into daily classroom practices can significantly enhance the educational experience for students with ADHD. By understanding their needs, offering personalized support, and maintaining a structured yet flexible learning environment, teachers empower students with ADHD to achieve their full potential. This holistic approach is not just beneficial for students with ADHD; it enriches the learning environment for all students, fostering an inclusive and dynamic classroom community.


If you’ve noticed behaviors in your classroom that align with ADHD or you’re seeing students struggle with executive functioning, it may be time to consider seeking a professional diagnosis. Understanding each student’s unique needs begins with a thorough neuropsychological assessment, which can unlock tailored strategies for support and growth.


Once you have clarity on a student’s needs, bridging the gap between their potential and current performance becomes the next step. That’s where tailored tutoring services come in. Themba Tutors offers specialized, one-on-one support for students with ADHD and other learning challenges. Their team of qualified tutors understands the intricacies of ADHD and will work with you to create an individualized learning plan that meets your student’s specific requirements.


Don’t let another day go by wondering if you can do more for your students. Take the first step towards unlocking their full potential by seeking a diagnosis, and then reach out to Themba Tutors to provide the best NYC ADHD support your students need to succeed academically and beyond.

Looking for an ADHD/ADD Coach?

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Meet Craig Selinger, the passionate owner behind Themba Tutors, a renowned practice specializing in executive function coaching and tutoring. Together with his team of multidisciplinary professionals, they bring their extensive knowledge to numerous locations: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Bronx, Westchester, Long Island, New Jersey, and Connecticut, as well as offering remote services. As a licensed speech-language pathologist in the state of NY, executive functioning coach, and educational specialist with an impressive track record spanning over two decades, Craig has professionally assisted thousands of families. Craig's proficiency encompasses a wide spectrum of areas, including language-related learning challenges such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening. He is also well-versed in executive functioning, ADHD/ADD, and various learning disabilities. What truly distinguishes Craig and his team is their unwavering commitment to delivering comprehensive support. By actively collaborating with the most esteemed professionals within the NYC metropolitan region – from neuropsychologists to mental health therapists and allied health experts – they create a network of expertise.
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