membean and infercabulary

Making Vocab Fun for Kids With Membean and Infercabulary

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Membean and Infercabulary

You want to help your kids learn vocabulary and have fun at the same time. That’s why you’re checking out tools like Membean and Infercabulary. These web-based programs use engaging games and quizzes to build your kids’ vocab. And the best part? As a parent, you can join in on the learning too. In this article, we’ll explore how Membean and Infercabulary work. You’ll discover the special features of each platform, like adaptive learning algorithms and video explanations. We’ll also cover how you can use these tools at home to strengthen your child’s word skills. So keep reading to learn easy ways to make vocabulary exciting for your kids!

Why Vocabulary Building Matters for Kids

Vocabulary is the foundation of language and communication. Building a strong vocabulary early has significant benefits for children that will last into adulthood.

Improves Reading Comprehension

The more words a child knows, the easier for them to understand what they’re reading. When encountering an unfamiliar word in a book or article, they can use context clues to determine its meaning. Kids with a robust vocabulary tend to read more and have better reading comprehension, which translates to better performance in school.

Enhances Expressive Language

Knowing more words gives kids the tools to express themselves better in speech and writing. They can find the right words to articulate their thoughts and share detailed stories or complex ideas. Strong vocabulary is linked to more sophisticated language usage overall.

Supports Lifelong Learning

Children curious about words and have a habit of building their vocabulary tend to become lifelong learners. Their enjoyment of language and discovering new words fuels an ongoing interest in gaining knowledge about the world. This love of learning will benefit them for years to come.

Improves Standardized Test Scores

Performance on tests like the SATs and ACTs depends heavily on vocabulary. Kids building their vocabulary over many years will have an advantage walking into these high-stakes exams. Their word knowledge and reading comprehension abilities will help them score higher, opening up more opportunities for college and scholarships.

Vocabulary building in childhood through interactive games and activities is an investment that pays off in so many ways. Using fun resources like Membean and Infercabulary makes the process entertaining for kids while imparting a valuable skill that will support them for life. Any child can develop a robust and thriving vocabulary with your support and encouragement.

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How Membean Makes Vocab Fun and Engaging

Membean helps kids engagingly build their vocabularies. Rather than drilling flashcards, Membean turns learning new words into an adventure.

Interactive Lessons

Membean’s interactive lessons teach words through stories, images, and real-world examples kids can relate to. Each new word is embedded in an illustrated story to show the word in context. Kids can also see examples of the words they might encounter daily in sentences. These interactive features make learning new vocabulary fun and help kids retain the words better.

Personalized Learning

Membean tailors lessons to your child’s needs and interests. It starts by assessing your child’s vocabulary knowledge to determine the best place to begin. As your child progresses, Membean adjusts to keep lessons challenging but achievable. Kids can also select topics and words they want to focus on to match their interests. This personalized approach keeps kids motivated to achieve their vocab goals.

Fun Games and Challenges

Membean motivates kids to learn through friendly competition and games. Kids can compete against themselves or friends to build their vocabularies by completing word challenges and games. Earning badges and climbing the leaderboard fuels their motivation. For some kids, turning vocab into a game can make all the difference in their engagement and success.

Membean’s approach to engaging interactive lessons, personalized learning, and fun challenges is designed to inspire kids’ natural curiosity about words. By making vocab an adventure rather than a chore, Membean helps build better readers and lifelong learners. With the support of this innovative tool, you can feel confident helping your child develop a robust and vibrant vocabulary.

Infercabulary Game Teaches Context Clues for New Words

The Infercabulary game helps kids deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words using context clues in sentences. As kids read books, they come across words they don’t recognize. Rather than stopping to look up every new word in the dictionary, Infercabulary teaches them strategies to figure out meanings independently.

Using Context for Clues

The sentences surrounding an unfamiliar word provide clues to help determine its meaning. For example, if a sentence says, “The scorching sun beat down on the parched earth,” you can infer from the context that “parched” means very dry. Kids learn to look for context clues like:

  • Definitions: “The tedious task, so boring and monotonous, seemed to drag on endlessly.” You can guess that “tedious” means boring.
  • Examples: “The rainforest, filled with animals like macaws, toucans, and anacondas, is home to much biodiversity.” You understand that “biodiversity” refers to many different types of plants and animals.
  • Comparisons: “While the cheetah is fast, the sloth moves at a glacial pace.” You can deduce that “glacial” means very slow.
  • Familiar roots: “Photosynthesis, the process by which plants synthesize food from sunlight and carbon dioxide, is essential for life on Earth.” The roots “photo” and “syn” provide clues to the meaning.

Guessing Strategies

Infercabulary also teaches kids guessing strategies for unfamiliar words using prefixes, suffixes, and word roots. They learn to break down the word into familiar parts to hypothesize the meaning. For example, if you see the word “microbiology,” you can infer it has something to do with small (“micro”) life (“bio”) like organisms. Combined with context clues, these strategies give kids more confidence in reading independently.

With regular practice, kids can become adept at Inferencing techniques to determine word meanings and comprehend text more fully. The context clues and guessing strategies provide useful tools for lifelong learning and reading.

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Tips for Parents to Reinforce Vocabulary Learning

As a parent, there are several things you can do to help boost your child’s vocabulary learning experience with Membean and Infercabulary.

First, encourage your child to use the words they learn in everyday conversation. Have them explain the words to you and provide examples of how they can be used in sentences. This helps to reinforce the meanings and proper usage in their memory. You can also challenge them to use a certain number of new words in their speech each day or week.

Next, help quiz your child on the words and their definitions. Flashcards are great for this, whether physical or digital. You can also play games like having them spell the words, give the definitions, and have them say the word, or provide synonyms and have them guess the word. Turn it into a fun challenge to keep them engaged.

Finally, look for real-life opportunities to point out the words they’re learning. If a word is used on TV, in a book, or a conversation, have them tell you what it means. This connects the word to a real-world context and strengthens their understanding. You can also encourage them to be on the lookout for the words themselves.

The key is to participate actively in the learning process with your child. Vocabulary building takes repetition and patience, so providing ongoing support and reinforcement at home is crucial. With your help, Membean and Infercabulary can be even more effective in boosting your child’s word skills and confidence in using new words. Turning vocabulary into an interactive family activity will make learning more fun and rewarding for your child.

Frequently Asked Questions About Kid’s Vocab Apps

What age are these apps suitable for?

Both Membean and Infercabulary are designed for kids ages 8 and up. The vocabulary and lessons are tailored for elementary through high school students. The apps start with basic words and concepts, then gradually increase in difficulty as your child progresses. This helps keep kids engaged at their current level while still challenging them.

How do the apps teach vocabulary?

The apps take a multimedia approach to teaching new words. They incorporate things like:

  • Interactive games and puzzles to help reinforce the meanings of words
  • Audio pronunciations so kids can hear the proper way to say each word
  • Vivid images and examples to illustrate word meanings
  • Customized word lists and quizzes based on your child’s needs

Do the apps work on all devices?

Both Membean and Infercabulary have web-based platforms and free iOS and Android apps. Your child can access their account and learn on any compatible smartphone, tablet, or computer. Their progress and stats are synced across devices to pick up wherever they left off.

meanbean and infercabulary

How much do the subscriptions cost?

Membean and Infercabulary offer free trials so that you can try them out first. After that:

  • Membean costs $12.95 per month or $59.95 per year.
  • Infercabulary costs $9.99 per month or $49.99 per year.

Discounts are available if you pay annually instead of monthly. The apps also frequently run special promotions offering the first few months at a reduced rate or sometimes even free.

Do the apps provide progress reports?

Both Membean and Infercabulary offer detailed reports and stats so you can see how your child is improving over time. You’ll get information like:

  • Words learned and mastered
  • Average quiz and test scores
  • Time spent using the app
  • Recommendations for focusing on certain types of words
  • Charts showing your child’s vocabulary growth

The reports provide insight into your child’s achievements and areas needing improvement so you can better support them. Vocabulary building is an ongoing process, but with the help of Membean, Infercabulary, and your encouragement, your child will get better and better at it.


So there you have it, folks – two awesome tools to make vocabulary fun and stick with your kiddos. With Membean’s game-based activities and Infercabulary’s contextual clues approach, you’ve got all you need to bring some vocab excitement into your homeschool routine or after-school study sessions. Give them a try, and watch your kids light up as they learn new words and their meanings without realizing it. Pretty soon, they’ll chat up a storm using those impressive new vocab words they’ve picked up. Now, go enjoy exploring language with your little ones!


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Meet Craig Selinger, the passionate owner behind Themba Tutors, a renowned practice specializing in executive function coaching and tutoring. Together with his team of multidisciplinary professionals, they bring their extensive knowledge to numerous locations: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Bronx, Westchester, Long Island, New Jersey, and Connecticut, as well as offering remote services. As a licensed speech-language pathologist in the state of NY, executive functioning coach, and educational specialist with an impressive track record spanning over two decades, Craig has professionally assisted thousands of families. Craig's proficiency encompasses a wide spectrum of areas, including language-related learning challenges such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening. He is also well-versed in executive functioning, ADHD/ADD, and various learning disabilities. What truly distinguishes Craig and his team is their unwavering commitment to delivering comprehensive support. By actively collaborating with the most esteemed professionals within the NYC metropolitan region – from neuropsychologists to mental health therapists and allied health experts – they create a network of expertise.
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