Real Estate High School and College Tutors


Real Estate High School and College Tutor


Online Class: Real Estate 101 for High School and College Students

Course Introduction


Welcome to Real Estate 101, an online class designed to introduce high school and college students to the fascinating world of real estate. In this course, we will explore the fundamental concepts, principles, and practical knowledge related to real estate, empowering you with valuable insights into this dynamic industry.


Real estate plays a crucial role in our lives, whether we realize it or not. From the homes we live into the buildings we work in and the neighborhoods we explore, real estate is an integral part of our daily experiences. Understanding the fundamentals of real estate can provide you with a solid foundation for making informed decisions, whether it is purchasing a home, renting an apartment, or even considering real estate investment opportunities.


Throughout this course, we will delve into various aspects of real estate, starting with an exploration of its history and evolution over time. We will then examine the differences between commercial and residential real estate, the factors that influence real estate value, and the market dynamics of supply and demand.


You will learn about the different types of residential properties, how to navigate real estate websites like Zillow to search for properties and the intricacies of renting an apartment. We will also explore the role of real estate agents and the questions to ask during the search process.


Additionally, we will delve into commercial real estate, including office buildings, retail spaces, and healthcare facilities. You will gain insights into real estate financing, mortgages, loans, interest rates, and alternative financing options for both residential and commercial properties.


Real estate investing will be another key focus of this course. We will explore what makes real estate a potentially lucrative investment, compare it to other investment options, and delve into the realm of rental property investment through platforms like Airbnb and VRBO.


To enrich your learning experience, we will analyze real estate case studies, such as the mortgage crisis of 2009, the rise and fall of the rust belt, and the factors contributing to the high cost of living in cities like New York. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to create a mock financial model to evaluate the profitability of a rental property.


By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of real estate principles, terminology, and market dynamics. Whether you are considering a career in real estate or want to make informed decisions regarding your own property endeavors, this course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to navigate the world of real estate with confidence.


Get ready to embark on an exciting journey into the realm of real estate. Let us begin exploring the foundations of this dynamic industry and discover the endless possibilities it offers!

Real Estate High School and College Tutor

Online Class: Real Estate 101 for High School and College Students

I. Introduction to Real Estate

A. Definition and overview of real estate
B. Importance of understanding real estate for individuals and society
C. History and evolution of property ownership over time

II. Types of Real Estate

A. Commercial vs. residential real estate
B. Exploring different property types and their purposes
C. Owning property vs. renting: pros and cons

III. Factors Influencing Real Estate Value

A. Using Zillow to identify real estate trends and pricing
B. Geographic features and their impact on property value
C. Local and national economies and their influence on the market
D. Crime rate, schools, and other neighborhood factors
E. Other factors affecting real estate value

IV. Residential Real Estate

A. Introduction to different types of residential real estate (houses, condos, etc.)
B. Using Zillow and other platforms to search for real estate and financing options
C. Exploring the process of renting an apartment through platforms like
D. The apartment rental process: finding a spot, applications, costs, maintenance, working with landlords, leases
E. Working with real estate agents: questions to ask during the search process

V. Commercial Real Estate and Real Estate Financing

A. Understanding the differences between commercial and residential real estate
B. Exploring various types of commercial real estate (office buildings, retail spaces, etc.)
C. How to finance real estate: mortgages, loans, interest rates, and liquidity
D. Alternative ways of financing commercial real estate projects

VI. Real Estate Investing

A. Introduction to real estate investing and its potential benefits
B. Due diligence in real estate: what it entails and its importance
C. Factors that make real estate a good investment (cash flows, property values, cost of money)
D. Comparing real estate investing to other investment options (stocks, bonds, etc.)
E. Exploring rental property investment through platforms like Airbnb and VRBO

VII. Real Estate Case Studies

A. The mortgage crisis 2009: Causes, impacts, and lessons learned
B. The rise and fall of the rust belt: Factors influencing the region’s real estate market
C. Understanding the high cost of living in NYC and its historical development
D. Creating a mock financial model for analyzing the profitability of a rental property

VIII. Conclusion and Next Steps

A. Recap of key concepts and topics covered
B. Resources for further learning and exploration in real estate
C. Encouragement to pursue real estate education and career opportunities

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