Financial Literacy Tutoring


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Financial Literacy Tutoring


Financial Literacy Tutoring

Welcome to Financial Literacy Tutoring, an online class designed to provide you with essential knowledge and skills to navigate the world of personal finance. In today’s interconnected and fast-paced world, understanding finance is more important than ever. Whether you’re planning for college, making large purchases, or saving for retirement, having a solid foundation in finance will empower you to make informed and responsible financial decisions.


In this course, we will cover various topics that will equip you with the necessary tools to manage your personal finances effectively. We will start by exploring the fundamentals of finance, understanding the concept itself, and why financial literacy is crucial in today’s society.


From there, we will delve into personal finance, discussing the importance of distinguishing between needs and wants, creating a budget, and comparing the cost of living across different regions in the United States. We will learn about the concept of debt, how it works, why people take on debt and the impact of interest rates and liquidity. Additionally, we will explore credit and debit cards, credit scores, and financing large purchases.


Moving forward, we will shift our focus to corporate finance, where we will explore cash flow, assets, liabilities, and equity. We will also delve into different business structures, such as LLCs and Corporations, and introduce you to the world of investment banking, private equity, and venture capital.


Understanding investments is another crucial aspect of finance. We will discuss different types of investments, including stocks, bonds, and education. We will explore what makes an investment worthwhile, the importance of due diligence, and the concept of diversification.


A significant part of finance involves the stock market, and we will dive into its intricacies. We will learn about researching and tracking stocks, discuss the concepts of shareholder and stakeholder capitalism, and explore the pros and cons of participating in the stock market. Furthermore, we will provide guidance on how to trade stocks using platforms like Robinhood or other personal banking apps.


Lastly, we will touch upon saving and retirement, exploring essential tools such as 401k’s, IRA’s, and Life Insurance. We will also discuss the differences between being a contractor and a full-time employee (FTE) and the benefits that come with corporate employment. Finally, we will introduce you to the concept of financial planning and its role in shaping your financial future.


Throughout this course, we encourage you to participate, ask questions, and engage in discussions actively. Remember, building a strong foundation in finance now will help you make informed decisions and set yourself up for a secure and prosperous financial future. Let’s embark on this journey together as we dive into the fascinating world of finance!

Financial Literacy Tutoring

Online Class Outline: Literacy for High School and College Students

I. Introduction to Finance

A. What is finance?
B. Importance of financial literacy

II. Personal Finance

A. Understanding incentives and necessities
B. Differentiating needs vs. wants
C. Introduction to budgeting
D. Comparing the cost of living throughout the USA

III. Debts and Assets

A. Definition and function of debt
B. Reasons for taking on debt
C. Exploring interest rates and liquidity
D. Credit cards vs. debit cards
E. Understanding credit scores
F. Financing large purchases

IV. Corporate Finance

A. Cash flow and its significance
B. Assets, liabilities, and equity
C. Comparison of LLCs vs. Corporations
D. Introduction to investment banking, private equity, and venture capital

V. Investments

A. Defining investments
B. Different types of investments (stocks, bonds, capital, education, etc.) C. Evaluating the worthiness of an investment
D. Conducting due diligence in investment decisions
E. Importance of diversification

VI. The Stock Market

A. Understanding the stock market
B. Researching and tracking different stocks
C. Exploring shareholder vs. stakeholder capitalism
D. Pros and cons of the stock market
E. Introduction to stock trading using platforms like Robinhood or other personal banking apps

VII. Saving and Retirement

A. Overview of 401k’s, IRA’s, and Life Insurance
B. Contractor vs. FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) and corporate benefits
C. Introduction to financial planning and its significance

VIII. Final Assessment and Q&A

A. Recap of key concepts
B. Final assessment to gauge understanding
C. Open Q&A session to address student questions and concerns

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