San Francisco Bay Area Executive Functioning Coaches for Elementary, Middle, and High School Students, College Students, and Adults/Professionals.

GEO Terms:

Marin, Sonoma, Napa, Solano, San Francisco, San Mateo, Contra Costa, Alameda, and Santa Clara, Palo Alto, the Peninsula, and Silicon Valley

What is Executive Functioning Coaching?

Executive functioning (EF) skills are usually first developed in early childhood and continue to develop through the mid to late 20s. Students with EF challenges lag behind their peers with these executive functions. As these individuals grow into adults, this gap decreases. However, those with EF challenges need to explicitly learn how to best organize, plan, and prioritize their professional and personal lives. 

Who Benefits from Executive Functioning Skills Training?


Themba Tutors Executive Function Coaching is a one-to-one coaching service that helps students, adults, and professionals with ADHD, executive functioning deficits, or other learning differences. Our Executive Functioning Coaches are available to help San Francisco Bay Area students and adults manage daily life demands. 

Not only do we coach executives but we also work with clients of all levels and in every profession to help them reach their full potential by teaching them how to organize, execute, and prioritize. 

We specialize in different types of Executive Function Coaching, from self-improvement through personal development strategies like goal setting, building confidence, and overcoming mental barriers.

Our San Francisco Executive Functioning Coaching Help Overcome These Challenges:


  • Tasks that are too difficult to begin and complete
  • Difficulty prioritizing tasks
  • Forgetting what was just heard or read
  • Trouble following directions or a sequence of steps given to them
  • Panicking when rules or routines change
  • Trouble changing and shifting focus from one task to another
  • Getting overly emotional and fixated on things
  • Trouble organizing their thoughts into words and ideas
  • Trouble keeping track of their belongings
  • Trouble managing their time

What are the Expected Executive Functioning Skills for Elementary School Students?


In various school districts around the country, an elementary school consists of grades 1 through 5, or grades 1-6. Here are examples of these executive functioning skills


  • Self-regulation
  • Managing intense emotions and preventing impulsive actions


  • Attention
  • Maintaining concentration, particularly for multi-tasking


  • Task Initiation
  • Start a task that you don’t want to do.


  • Organization
  • Cornell Note-Taking Methods and the Pomodoro Technique Timer are a few methods that work with some individuals. 
  • Planning
  • Multi-step activities, such as longer-term class projects, are best prepared or planned out in advance.

What Are Executive Functioning Skills for Middle School Students?


Middle school is a critical stage in the development of executive function skills. The following executive functioning skills are required and developed in middle school:

  • Self-regulation

Controlling strong emotions and decreasing impulsive actions

  • Attention

Maintaining concentration, particularly for long or difficult jobs

  • Task Initiation

Decreasing avoidance of boring and hard tasks

  • Organization

Organize ideas and information for essays and research projects by keeping track of resources 

  • Planning and Prioritizing

Organizing multi-step activities, such as long-term class projects, and deciding which assignments to handle first and prioritizing assignments 

  • Time Management

Setting aside enough time for work and other responsibilities.

What Is The Personalized Executive Function Coaching For High School Students?

High school is also a critical period for adolescents to continue to improve their executive function abilities. These include: 

  • Self-regulation

Controlling strong emotions and impulsive actions

  • Attention

Maintaining concentration, particularly for long or difficult tasks

  • Task Initiation

Managing avoidance 

  • Organization

Managing digital data and files, keeping track of resources at home and school, arranging thoughts and information for essays and research papers

  • Planning and Prioritizing

Organizing multi-step activities like long-term class projects and completing assignments in priority order

  • Time Management

Setting aside time for work and other responsibilities

  • Cognitive Flexibility

Considering the viewpoints of teachers and peers while developing solutions to problems.

While some students seem to acquire these skills naturally, others struggle and benefit from one-on-one executive functioning coaching, a service schools are unable to offer. 

What is Adult Executive Functioning Coaching?


Adults and professionals with executive function issues often encounter problems and obstacles while completing activities at work or home. One may acquire methods and approaches to improve and enhance self-management, planning, attention, and organizing abilities with an Executive Function Coach in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Adults and professionals with ADD/ADHD will benefit from an Executive Functioning Coach who works with San Francisco Bay area professionals. Our programs are designed to help you specifically with:

  • Dysgraphia and writing tutoring
  • Organization and planning
  • Paper management
  • Time-management
  • Dyscalculia and math tutoring

Adults and professionals benefit from our assistance with the following:

  • Creating and maintaining a system to keep work/study area organized
  • Increasing interaction and involvement
  • Breaking down big projects into smaller, manageable tasks
  • Making the most use of breaks
  • Adapting and accommodating sensory needs
  • Making adjustments for more effective learning
  • Scaffolding techniques to help initiate, prepare and perform tasks
  • Assessing materials or assignments beforehand
  • Teaching multi-modality learning and memory retention
  • And more!

What Are Executive Functioning Strategies?


We recognize that even the brightest and most accomplished people need assistance. Adults and professionals benefit from our experienced Executive Function Coaches. Our customers are individuals working in business, law, medicine, the arts, and various other professions.

The following are some of the strategies used by our Executive Functioning Coaches for those who live in the San Francisco Bay Area: 

  • Positive reinforcement
  • Identifying strengths to boost self-confidence
  • Modeling organizational skills
  • Creating systems to help plan and prioritize tasks and long-term projects
  • Teaching effective time-management skills
  • Introducing coping mechanisms to counter limitations
  • Offering techniques for improved problem solving and analysis
  • Developing metacognitive approaches, such as self-monitoring and reflection

We offer daily objectives, tools, and insights to help you decrease stress and improve your mental health fitness.

1:1 Executive Function Coaching for the San Francisco Bay Area


Executive functioning abilities can be nurtured and improved with the assistance of our San Francisco Bay Area Executive Functioning Coaches. To summarize, we help you: 

  • Learn and apply techniques to manage strong emotions and stress
  • Learn and use methods to maintain focus on tasks
  • Learn how to initiate and stay on challenging tasks
  • Develop customized systems to keep track of and organize materials and work areas
  • Create strategies and methods for starting and completing writing assignments
  • Know how to complete projects in segments and plan how to accomplish them
  • Learn how to self-reflect and analyze their skills and habits
  • Know how to use technology more efficiently
  • Recognize factors that improve their motivation or distract them from being productive
  • Learn practical study and test-taking habits
  • Know how to advocate for themselves in school

We also help individuals in the following areas:

  • Organizing their work or study area
  • Increasing engagement
  • Optimizing schedules and routines
  • Breaking apart learning/tasks into manageable chunks
  • Taking advantage of breaks
  • Accommodating their sensory needs
  • Making adjustments to ensure efficiency
  • Scaffolding systems for starting, planning, and executing tasks
  • Previewing material
  • Teaching multi-modality learning/memory retention